Experienced Attorneys Dedicated to Helping Injured Workers

The Missouri workers' compensation program creates a no-fault system of benefits for workers who have job-related injuries or illnesses.  The Missouri Industrial Commission administers the system, utilizing judges throughout the state, to resolve disputes between employers and employees about work-related injuries and illnesses.

How do I File a Workers' Compensation Claim?

As a first step, you must generally notify your employer within 30 days of your injury or illness.  This notification must include:

  • The date and place of the accident
  • A brief description of the accident, injury, or illness
  • Your name, address, and telephone number

Missouri law allows you to give this notice orally or in writing.  But to prevent your employer from claiming not to have received notice, you should give notice of your injury in writing, preferably by certified mail.
Your employer should then notify its workers' compensation insurance carrier or administrator about your injury.

What Benefits are Available Under Workers' Compensation?

The workers’ compensation insurance company must pay for:

  • Reasonably required medical care to cure or relieve the effects of the injury
  • Temporary total disability (TTD) benefits while you take off work to recover from the injury
  • Temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits while you recover from the injury but continue to work light duty
  • Vocational rehabilitation/maintenance benefits if you participate in an approved vocational rehabilitation program
  • Permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits if you sustain permanent disability or disfigurement but can work
  • Permanent total disability (PTD) benefits if you become permanently unable to work
  • Death benefits for surviving family members

The employer and insurer will take steps to limit your benefits and protect its bottom line. Your lawyer needs to push back.

If the Law Requires my Employer to Make These Payments, Why do I Need a Missouri Workers' Compensation Lawyer?

Workers' compensation law requires your employer, or your employer’s insurance carrier, to make these payments.  But they can — and probably will — do everything in their power to protect their bottom line: the less money they pay out, the greater the profit to their company.  And that is exactly why you need a workers’ compensation lawyer to protect your rights.

Often, the company doctor — the doctor is chosen by your employer or its insurance carrier — will be the first to examine you to determine what treatments your employer must pay for.  And when it comes time to determine your long-term prognosis — whether you now suffer a permanent disability and to what degree — the company doctor will examine you again, usually offering an opinion that tends to favor the employer over the injured worker.

Missouri Workers' Compensation Lawyers Work to get you the Settlement and Payments you Deserve.

Since 1950, Keefe & Griffiths, PC has helped tens of thousands of injured workers win the maximum benefits and settlements allowed by law throughout Missouri and Illinois.  If you need the services of a workers' compensation lawyer in St. Louis, or the surrounding areas of eastern Missouri and southern Illinois, turn to Keefe & Griffiths PC for experienced, focused, and successful advocacy.

Contact us for a free consultation

Call our St. Louis workers' compensation law firm at 314.241.7243 or send us an e-mail.

Understanding Workers' Compensation in Missouri

Attorneys at L​​​aw